In his, Ode To Autumn, John Keats called this a…
“Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness”
Well, it may be a season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, but it is still time to take care of your garden and your lawn. If you get into the attitude that now that it is autumn it is time for a little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to sleep… and your lawn can suffer and be, well, not its best next year.
Keep your lawn free from… stuff!

Keep your lawn free from, well, man-made clutter, children’s toys or the trug you were putting weeds in last week, and from natural objects too like leaves and other debris that end up on your lawn. Also, beware of plants at the edge of the lawn that could be given a trim to keep them from resting on the grass.

If you have things on or over the lawn you can deprive your grass of the, now decreasing light that it so needs and the air that it needs to convert that light into energy.
Things on the lawn can also lead to, too much moisture in the lawn, which can rot and disease.
You should also be letting your grass grow a little longer now. Don’t let it get so long it falls over; this is much like having objects on the lawn, but just let it have a little stretch and have a little more leaf to build up its reserves for the winter.
If areas of your lawn are rather compacted, perhaps where you have walked on it a lot, you might like to spike your lawn with a fork or a proper aeration machine. This will help with drainage and lets your grasses roots breathe.
What about that faithful mower?
Now could also be a good time to think about getting your mower ready for next year. Don’t leave yourself in the position of having your grass really needing a mow next spring and you get out your mower and… nothing! Why not book it in today for a service, so it is ready and sharp for the next year?
Do let us have your tips in the comments below.